Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

Oldest magazine of Polish electrician. It appears since 1919.

strona w języku polskim english page

No/VOL: 09a/2012 Page no. 300

Authors: Zoran Peric , Jelena Nikolic , Jelena Lukić , Dragan Denić :

Title: Dwustopniowy kwantyzer bazujący na kodowaniu Huffmana pracujący w standardzie G.711

Abstract: This paper considers the implementation of Huffman coder for coding of segments of the quantizer based on the G.711 standard. The signal quality obtained with the two-stage quantizer satisfies and overreaches the quality value defined by the G.712 standard, while the implementation of Huffman coder leads to reduction of the average bit rate for 1.25 bit/sample compared to the fixed rate G.711 quantizer. This enables a high quality speech transmission over the channel with less occupancy of its bandwidth.

Key words: standard G.711, kodowanie Huffmana
