Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

Oldest magazine of Polish electrician. It appears since 1919.

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Information about Journal

ISSN 0033-2097 e-ISSN 2449-9544

Editor-in-Chief :
prof. Sławomir TUMANSKI

Address of the Journal:
ul. Ratuszowa 11
03-450 Warszawa
tel. mobile. 48 693 428 056

Important information: Since 2018 we return to Web of Science - to the base ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index. In comparison to full SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded it means that the abstracts of the papers published in PE are in WoS base but the IF of the journal is not published. If it will be observed significant improvement of scientific quality of the journal (more citations in other journals, less auto-citations) the journal can be advanced to SCIE.

Starting from 2011 all papers are published in Open Access mode. It means that everyone can free of charge download pdf file of this paper from our Internet page and freely use it (respecting of course intellectual property of the authors) (Licence CC-BY-NC-ND).

Important note: Starting from 1 Januaray 2015 we accept only submission of comprehensive papers - it means that minimal length of the paper is 4 pages.

New. Since 2014 all papers have doi number with prefix 10.15199/48. For example the first paper in December issue has doi:10.15199/48.2017.12.01. The doi number introduced to Internet browser (for example as: should direct to pdf file of this paper. Before 2015 doi number was with prefix: 10.12915/pe.

Attention: It is possible to buy paper copy of Przeglad Elektrotechniczny by sending the order to:

Archival papers in pdf format are available

Format - A4
Papier - chalk overlay paper
Colour - full colour if necessary
Volume - about 200 pages (120-300 pages)
Circulation - monthly
Availability - subscription

Main information about the journal
"Przegląd Elektrotechniczny" exists since 1919 and it is one of the oldest Polish scientific journals. It is dedicated to electrical engineering. The owner of the tittle is SEP (Society of Polish Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny is published monthly in average 200 pages per issue (120 - 300 pages). We publish the papers in Polish or English. The Scientific Level of our Journal is controlled by 44-person Program Editorial Board.

Name of the journal.
Official name of our journal is Przeglad Elektrotechniczny . Therefore authors are requested to use only this name (not English translation Electrical Review) because we are registered in all databases as Przeglad Elektrotechniczny.

Przegląd Elektrotechniczny in Databases
Abstracts of the papers published in Przeglad Elektrotechniczny are cited by international databases: WoS, SCOPUS, INSPEC and EBSCO.

Preparation and submission of the papers
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny publishes only original scientific papers (or review papers written by reputable specialists)."Original" means work, which was not published before – as a whole or as a substantial part – in other publications, including authors’ publications. If the published work is a part of a doctoral thesis or similar authors should inform about it. All published papers are peer reviewed.We publish only papers with positive conclusion of the reviewer.

Printing costs/Charges
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny is not supported by any organisations and has only one source of incomes – subscription. This income enables to print not more than 30 pages per issue. That is why we request Authors to participate in printing costs with reasonable small amount of 50 Euro per page b/w and 75 Euro per page in colour. In return we publish free all papers in open access mode on our www page.

FAQ - Timing of submission procedure
The time period between submission and publication depends on three factors: a) looking for reviewer and receiving the review, b) waing for corrected final version, c) waiting in the queue. Ad a) We send papers to reviewers directly after submission. Many of reviewers send the review in time not exceeding 10 days. But sometimes we are waiting long time for review and after about two weeks it is necessary to look for other reviewer. It should be noted that we have submitted usually more than 500 papers a year and it is not easy to find so many reviewers. Therefore important is cooperation between authors and editor - authors are the right to suggest reviewers. If this suggested reviewer is reliable it can speed up the review process. It is stronly recommended to propose reviewers among PE authors (especially Polish authors) because it is more easy to motivate these reviewers. Ad b) Conclusion of the review can be: accept as it is, accept with minor changes, accept with significant changes (repeat of the revies is necessary) or do not publish. Final version should take into consideration advices of the reviewer. Ad c) When the accepted paper is ready to publication it has to wait in a queue because we have to respect the order of submission. Typically time period between submission and publication does not exceed half of a year but if all components of submission procedure are realised efficiently it can be much shorter.

Authors are requested to fulfill Submission form , which is available on the website
(file submission.doc).

The reviewers are asked to control the international standards of scientific publications (quality of work, originality, suitability of references, etc.) The papers can be submitted in English or Polish – the language is a choice of authors. However, translation from one language to another is NOT provided.

The papers should be formatted according to a template, which is available on the website
(file sample.doc).

The paper (with main text, abstract and keywords) should be submitted ONLY via email (if the manuscript file is too large it can be sent by ftp – in such a case please contact the Editor beforehand).

The manuscript should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document (*.doc format) with embedded images. (The editorial office does NOT offer any services for typing from printed documents or making the images – all materials should be prepared by the authors.) Source files for the images are required (preferably in *.eps or *.tif format, but any other commonly used format is acceptable). A standard width of an image is equal to the width of a single column (8 cm). In the final version (8 cm wide), the inscriptions and captions within the 8 cm wide images should be NOT smaller than 2 mm. Each paper must contain postal and email address of the authors.

The authors should bear in mind, that Przeglad is devoted to a wide engineering audience. For this reason, if the paper relates to a specialised topic, a suitable introduction explaining the basic concepts and progress in the area should be included for the benefit of the potential readers. References should include the up to date publications in the matter. If in the paper there are little number of references or not up to date this may suggest that either the authors do not know the state-of-the-art in a given topic or that the topic is of little interest to the readers. Early-stage career authors are encouraged to submit their publications (e.g. compilations of their MSc or PhD theses). Industrial authors are also very welcome to submit papers describing commissioning of new solutions or inventions. The authors must be able to guarantee that the text and images used in the paper are their sole intellectual property. By submitting the work for publication in Przegląd, the authors transfer copyrights to the manuscript in its printed and Internet version to the publisher.

1. Preparation in the Word format: [sample.doc] [sample.pdf]
3. Submission form: [submission.doc].
4. Referee report: [review.doc].
5. Reviewer submission: [reviewer.doc].

Reviewers needed
We encourage specialist to declaire willingness to prepare the reviews. The reviewers cooperating with our journal can obtain some privileges. It is sufficient to fulfill "reviewer submission" form, which is available on the website
(file reviewer.doc).

Journal publish advertisements - mainly on the cover pages.

The order of the advertisement can be sent directly to:

  • Editor-in-Chief - tel 0 693 428 056
  • Marketing Division of SIGMA-NOT Company
    ul. Mazowiecka 12; 00-950 Warszawa, skr. 1004; tel./faks: (0 22) 827 43 66, 826 80 16

Issues with postconference papers
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny does NOT publish conference materials (e.g. papers submitted to a conference), with the possible exception of invited or keynote speaker papers. However, the extended versions of full papers (post-conference), different from those presented at the conference, can be published. Therefore, the organisers of the conference should consider accepting the conference materials in a form of extended abstracts for further extension. The post-conference papers can be then corrected and expanded upon, also by including the discussions from the conference.

We publish of postconference papers because in our opinion it extends the circle of our authors and readers. But not all postconference papers will be published – only the best papers with sufficiently good scientific quality should be recommended by Scientific Committe (based also on the recommendations of the peer-review referees). The Editorial Office can reject further papers based on the recommendation of additional referees in questionable cases.

We do not print the special conference or postconference issues - all papers recommended by Scientific Committee of the conference are next treated as normal papers. In comparison with normally submitted papers papers recommended by Conference Organizers can be published together in the same issue of Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (special topic issue).