Numer: 12/2024 Str. 37
Autorzy: Jacek Klucznik :
Tytuł: Sterowanie napięciem pracy kabli eksportowych morskich farm wiatrowych
Streszczenie: The paper discusses the issue of selecting the operating voltage of export cables for offshore wind farms. It is shown that operating at a voltage different from the rated voltage of the cables can effectively reduce energy losses in the farm network. It was proposed that the operating voltage of the cable should depend on the active power generated by the farm. The idea is based on current compensation function used in the past in transformer controllers. For an example offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 510 MW, a reduction in annual energy losses of approximately 3% was achieved.
Słowa kluczowe: morskie farmy wiatrowe, straty mocy, kable eksportowe, regulatory transformatorów.